About the Founder Martha Krejci:

Your Social Media Strategy Mastermind ​


Martha Krejci is a tour de force in the world of social media marketing, renowned for her strategic brilliance and unparalleled expertise, proven by building her own 8 figure brand from home. With a keen eye for sales-driven strategies and an innate understanding of the ever-evolving digital landscape, Martha has established herself as the go-to authority for businesses seeking to harness the power of social media.


At the heart of Martha's success lies her insatiable curiosity and her willingness to experiment with her own brands. By fearlessly testing and refining her strategies, she has propelled her ventures to remarkable heights, achieving seven-figure monthly revenues. This hands-on experience, combined with her training from industry luminaries such as Gary Vaynerchuck, Rachel Miller, and Russell Brunson, has equipped Martha with an unrivaled depth of knowledge and a unique perspective on social media marketing.


Martha's strategic prowess is evident in her ability to craft campaigns that not only captivate audiences but also drive tangible results. She possesses an uncanny knack for identifying untapped opportunities and devising innovative solutions that set her clients apart from the competition. With a focus on sales-driven strategies, Martha ensures that every effort is geared towards maximizing ROI and achieving measurable business growth.


What truly sets Martha apart is her ability to demystify the complexities of social media marketing. She has a gift for distilling intricate concepts into easily digestible insights, making her expertise accessible to businesses of all sizes and industries. Whether through her transformative courses, invaluable free training, or personalized coaching services, Martha is committed to empowering her clients with the knowledge and tools they need to succeed.


At Sales Driven Social, Martha and her team of experts bring their collective genius to the table, crafting bespoke strategies that are tailored to each client’s unique goals and challenges. By leveraging cutting-edge techniques and staying ahead of the curve, they help businesses navigate the ever-changing social media landscape with confidence and precision.


In a world where social media is increasingly crucial to business success, Martha Krejci stands out as a beacon of strategic excellence. Her sales-driven approach, combined with her infectious passion and unrivaled expertise, makes her an invaluable asset to any organization seeking to thrive in the digital age. With Martha as your social media strategy mastermind, the possibilities are truly limitless.

The Brain Trust

The two women
that run the show


Martha Krejci

Content + Messaging + Sales Strategist

Rachel Miller

Algorithm, Community + Sales Strategist

About Rachel Miller:

Your Social Media Expert

Rachel Miller is the creator of Moolah, a system helping thousands of small businesses grow on Facebook. She has personally grown engaged fan pages - some to over 500,000 and others to over 2.2M - fueling massive businesses! Digital Marketer has called her a “Facebook Guru” after she helped them grow one of their pages to over a million fans. Rachel has helped 51 of her students grow engagement and reach over 10,000,000 people with single posts on Facebook. She is the author of multiple books, one of them being a best seller with over 100,000 copies sold and her content has been featured on Good Morning America, been a featured instructor alongside Tony Robbins, Lewis Howe, Chalene Johnson, Dean Graziosi, Russel Brunson, in addition, to literally hundreds of stages, national publications and syndicated shows. As a mom of six kids, Rachel lives in Fort Worth, Texas.

Mission and Values

  • Mission:

    To empower our clients' growth through innovative social media strategies, designed to drive sales and build lasting relationships with their target audience. We are dedicated to understanding our clients' unique needs and crafting tailored solutions that deliver measurable results.

  • Values:

    – Customer-centricity: We prioritize our clients' goals, understanding their unique needs and aspirations, with a focus on generating revenue and increasing market share. – Authenticity: We champion genuine, transparent communication that builds trust and resonates with audiences, leading to higher engagement and conversions. – Relentless execution: We are committed to continuous optimization and improvement, always seeking new ways to drive sales and maximize ROI. – Community building: We foster meaningful connections with our clients' target audiences, creating engaged communities that drive brand loyalty and advocacy.

Award winning social media agency

We have worked for you

since 2016


Success Stories

  • Client: A burgeoning e-commerce brand struggling to gain traction on social media.
  • Challenge: Limited reach, low engagement, and difficulty converting followers into customers.
  • Solution: Implemented a Sales Driven Social strategy, repurposing long-form content into snackable, sales-focused social media posts, and engaging directly with potential customers.
  • Result: Increased social media following by 40%, boosted engagement rates by 60%, and achieved a 25% increase in online sales within three months.
  • Client: A family-owned restaurant seeking to increase brand awareness and foot traffic.
  • Challenge: Limited marketing budget, competition from larger chains, and a lack of online presence.
  • Solution: Leveraged our Sales Driven Social approach, creating engaging content showcasing the restaurant’s unique personality, hosting live Q&A sessions with incentives to visit, and partnering with local influencers to drive traffic.
  • Result: Grew social media following by 150%, increased foot traffic by 30%, and established a loyal community of brand advocates who actively promote the restaurant.
  • Client: An established consumer goods brand struggling to connect with younger audiences.
  • Challenge: Stagnant social media growth, outdated brand image, and difficulty adapting to new platforms.
  • Solution: Embraced a Sales Driven Social strategy on Instagram, creating authentic, relatable content that resonated with Gen Z while highlighting the brand’s unique selling propositions and promoting limited-time offers.
  • Result: Gained over 500,000 followers on Instagram in six months, revitalized the brand image, and saw a significant increase in sales among younger demographics.